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About Ernst Haeckel

Today, on the class, we met the artists, Genetic Moo. I was impressed by their  interactive artwork, such as the Starfish,  Animacules, and Mother. However, What most interesed me is in the first part of the presentation, a short introduction of their inspiration was come from the artork of an illustrator lived in the Victorian period, called Ernst Haeckel.

When I searched the information about him, I recognized that he was not only an artist but also a  biologist, naturalist, philosopher, and physician. These multiple identities aroused me more curiosity about him and his artwork.

Stephen Worth, the director of ASIFA-Hollywood Animation Archive, had some comment about Ernst Haeckel in his blog.

“Biologists in Haeckel’s time thought of man’s place in nature much differently than we do today. Haeckel was a staunch Darwinist. He saw mankind as a part of evolution, and a vital part of nature. Today, when we turn on the TV to watch a nature show, we see jungles and tigers, or underwater coral reefs full of fish. There isn’t a human being in sight. Many people today look upon humans as “contaminants” to the natural world. But in Haeckel’s day, nature was seen in everything- Darwin’s Theory applied to the evolution of fish or birds just as much as it applied to the evolution of people. social organizations, business practices or creative processes.”

Link here: http://www.animationarchive.org/?p=1848

Here is some beautiful illustrations from the book “Art Forms of Nature”.


1 Haeckel Phaeodaria 423x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature1. Phaeodaria
2 Haeckel Thalamphora 423x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature2. Thalamphora
3 Haeckel Ciliata 423x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature3. Ciliata
4 Haeckel Diatomea 422x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature4. Diatomea
5 Haeckel Calcispongiae 434x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature5. Calcispongiae
6 Haeckel Tubulariae 424x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature6. Tubulariae
7 Haeckel Siphonophorae 426x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature7. Siphonophorae
8 Haeckel Discomedusae 418x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature8. Discomedusae
9 Haeckel Hexacoralla 429x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature9. Hexacoralla
10 Haeckel Ophiodea 423x600 100 Beautiful Illustrations of Biologist Ernst Haeckel   Art Forms of Nature10. Ophiodea
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